Whole Bible and Whole Truth
Our goal is to provide a fun and safe atmosphere where we can teach them about Christ on their level. We believe that every child is a unique creation with a special purpose in God’s Kingdom. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me and do not stop them.” Mark 10:14.
Preschool Director
Jennifer Clark
Sunday Mornings
10:30 am
Each week a new bible story is taught through storytime, activities, songs, games and a craft. We focus on these foundational principles of being a Christian with a childlike faith:
God is good
God is in charge of everything
God made everything
God wants us to pray
Jesus came to save sinners
Wednesday Nights
6:00 to 7:30 pm
On Wednesday nights we go more in depth with our story from the previous Sunday. We review and spend time learning about prayer. We also actively learn through play! Our preschoolers are continually growing, exploring, and learning. Through age-appropriate Bible lessons and activities, our teachers will help your child learn:
God made and loves me.
Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
The Bible is a special book that tells about God.
Every word in the Bible is true.
I can talk to God through prayer